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Writer's pictureRachel Giordano

Building a Business is an Emotional Roller Coaster: Embracing the ups and downs while staying focused on your long-term vision

By: Rachel Giordano

Starting and growing a business is no easy feat, and I’m learning that firsthand. One of the most insightful conversations I’ve had recently was with Mark Savant, the founder of Mark Savant Media. Mark’s journey from working in insurance while side hustling with content creation to eventually going full-time as a media business owner resonated with me. We talked about everything from outsourcing to emotional resilience, and I walked away with some key takeaways that I’m applying to my own business and content creation journey.

Clarity is Key

Mark shared how he transitioned from a stable career in insurance to content creation. But what struck me most is the importance of getting clear on what kind of business you actually want to build. Without that clarity, you can easily find yourself stuck doing something you don’t want to do. I’ve felt this too—being pulled in multiple directions can leave you feeling stuck.

So here’s the thing: It’s okay if you’re not 100% sure where you want to end up, but take the time to reflect on your vision. If you don’t, you might end up building a business that doesn’t serve you or your goals.

The Imperfect Beginnings

When I’m feeling stuck, one of my favorite things to do is look at where other creators began. I did this with Mark by going back and watching his oldest YouTube videos. Let me tell you, it was a great reminder that even successful people start off imperfectly. The videos weren’t polished, but the important thing is that he showed up and did the work.

It’s a lesson for all of us: It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being consistent and putting in the reps.

Outsource and Automate

One of the biggest game-changers I’ve learned from Mark is the power of outsourcing and automation. Let’s be real—trying to do everything yourself is exhausting. Mark’s approach is all about working smarter, not harder. He’s a huge advocate of using AI to streamline processes, and that really resonated with me.

For example, he shared how he has new clients fill out a Google form and then uses ChatGPT to review the responses, generate scripts, and create hooks. It’s genius! It frees up time and ensures every client gets a tailored service. This is something I’m excited to implement more in my business.

Reverse Engineer Your Automation

Mark also emphasized the importance of reverse-engineering your workflow. By looking at your process from start to finish, you can figure out where AI can make your life easier. I’ve been thinking a lot about how to do this with my own content creation. It’s not just about getting things done faster—it’s about being intentional with your time.

Solve for Yourself First

One of the things Mark said that really clicked for me was this: “The best way to solve problems for others is to solve them for yourself first.” That’s exactly what I plan to do with my own content. I have a long list of pain points I’ve encountered in my journey, and I’m going to tackle them one by one on my YouTube channel. If these issues are frustrating me, I know other creators are dealing with them too.

The Emotional Roller Coaster of Business

I asked Mark how difficult it was to grow his business, and his response was refreshingly honest: “It’s an emotional roller coaster.” I couldn’t agree more. Building a business can feel isolating, and the ups and downs can be overwhelming. But as Mark reminded me, things will work out if we keep showing up and doing the work.

Not enough people talk about how tough it is, and I’m here to say it’s okay to admit that. Mark’s advice? Sometimes, you just need to go to bed and reset. A fresh perspective can do wonders. I’m learning to give myself some space for grace when things get tough because, let’s face it, the highs and lows are part of the journey.

Balancing Business and Relationships

One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced is balancing my growing business with my personal life, especially with my husband. Mark and I talked about this too—it’s not easy! But we agreed that communication and setting boundaries are key. It’s something I’m working on every day because, at the end of the day, I want to grow my business without sacrificing the people I care about most.

Starting from Zero: What You Need to Know

For those of you just starting out, Mark had some fantastic advice: Start with the end in mind. What’s your reason for creating content? What problem are you solving? Once you figure that out, focus on just 1-2 platforms to start. This advice really resonated with me because it’s so easy to feel like you have to be everywhere at once. The truth is, you don’t.

I’ve also found that sharing your “why” through your content is one of the best ways to build trust with your audience. People want to know what drives you. That said, clients still want an ROI, and I get it—it’s not always easy to measure when it comes to content creation. But as Mark reminded me, if you’re solving your customer’s problems, that’s the real return on investment.

Engage with Content You Love

Another nugget of wisdom I took away from our conversation is the importance of engaging with content you actually enjoy. Leave thoughtful comments on bigger platforms—it’s a great way to get more eyes on your own content. It’s not about dropping your links everywhere; it’s about making real connections with people in your industry.

Final Thoughts

Mark Savant’s journey is a reminder that building a business is anything but linear. From the emotional roller coasters to the triumphs, it’s all part of the process. Whether it’s leveraging AI, solving your own pain points, or learning to balance work and life, the key is to keep showing up, even when it’s hard.

I’m excited to implement these lessons as I continue to grow my business, and I hope they resonate with you too. Just remember, this journey is full of ups and downs, but if we stay the course, things will work out.





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